Book Blogger Hop & Follow Friday 3/4/11

Book Blogger Hop

"Who's your all-time favorite book villain?"

Tevya: I love the Volturi in the Twilight Saga. They are so easy to hate, but they are also so very cool. I wish we had learned more about the Volturi Guard and the Volturi Wives.

Andrea: This is hard! I guess I will have to pick Voldemort from the Harry Potter series. He is just so evil and terrifying. He is the ultimate baddy, but at the same time there are moments when I felt sorry for him. You can see why he became this twisted, broken soul. I think the villains you can still feel sorry for at times are the most delicious sort. They linger with you long after you are done with their stories.

"What embarrassing thing have you done on cold medicine?"

Tevya: The only thing I can think of is that some of my friends have probably gotten some pretty funny texts. I don't take cold medicine often because I don't like the way it makes me feel. But when I have to take something, it's a little like drunk texting.
Andrea: I honestly can't think of anything here.


  1. Hi
    Just hopping by. Voldemort seems to be a popular choice. The Volturi is a good pick also!

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  2. @shelleyrae - Thanks for stopping by Reading Lark!

  3. Hopping through. I agree that the Volturi are really cool villains. I like how Aro is so charming but very manipulative if you really look at him.
    My Hop

  4. Voldemort seems to be most-chosen villain...I am sorry to say I don't know who it is. I haven't read Harry Potter....ouch...who threw something at me.

    I love this week's question..Stopping by from the Blog Hop.

    Stop by my blog for a book giveaway:


    Chelsey Emmelhainz of HARPER COLLINS is graciously providing FIVE copies for five lucky winners.

  5. Oh, yes, the Volturi. They are definitely shiver-worthy villains. And Voldemort is always a good choice.

  6. Old follower hopping through! Voldemort does seem like the popular choice...I haven't read any of the Harry Potters yet, so I can't comment on him. =(
    Jennifer @ Just Nooking Around

  7. Old follower stopping by! Drop by if you get a chance and have a great weekend!

    Kristin@ My Bookish Ways


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