Teaser Tuesday: Nightshade by Andrea Cremer

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title and author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

This week I am featuring Nightshade by Andrea Cremer. I don't know how I missed reading this one before! However, after several recommendations from my students, friends, and other book bloggers I could wait no longer. You will all be happy to know that I am now reading Nightshade - finally. Although, I do want it to be noted that I named my character, Brynn, before reading this book. Just wanted that to be out in the universe if I ever finish my book and it gets published.

So here's your teaser:
The rest of the pack, attuned to the sudden bristling of their two alphas, dropped their conversations and turned to the stranger. A rippling snarl emerged from their throats and my spine prickled. 
~ page 48 Nightshade by Andrea Cremer


    1. I want to read this novel so bad! I hope you are enjoying it! Thanks for commenting on my blog, BTW. New follower.

      Happy Reading,

    2. Nice choice of teaser! I loved this book.
      Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

    3. Scary! Sounds like a chilling read....

      Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    4. Thank you all for stopping by Reading Lark and taking the time to comment.

      @Zakiya - I will post a review once I finish. Check back if you'd like to hear my thoughts. Also, thank you so much for the follow. :)

    5. I need to read Nightshade! Right now it doesn't seem like the pack is too happy with the stranger.

    6. @Sandy - I think you're probably right. Thanks for spending for checking us out!

    7. Great teaser! Heard a lot of good things about this book...:)

    8. Haven't read this one yet but I love the teaser.

    9. Oooooo this sounds good. I haven't had a chance to read Nightshade yet, but it's def on the list! Thanks for sharing!

    10. Your comment is so funny! I just read a book with an important character named Seth, which is the name of the boyfriend in my current w-i-p. Kinda worried me but I LOVE the name for my character and it was already in the ms before I read the book, so I'm keeping it. AND cool teaser...very wolf-ish :)

    11. I can't wait to read this, too! I featured the Nighshade playlist in yesterday's Music Monday, so if you are a music fan...check it out. It's a band I had never heard of, I love the way this song makes me feel. From what I can tell, it is so fitting for the story.


    12. I loved this book! Hope you're enjoying it as well!

    13. Stasia - I love the name Brynn. It just seems to fit my character so I just can't let it go. Well, unless I get published and they tell me I have to, LOL. Then I think I could maybe name her something else.

      Thank you for all the comments! We truly appreciate each and every one.

    14. I love the teaser!Nightshade has been on my TBR-list for some time ;-) And thanks for stopping by at my blog! http://readingagainstallodds.blogspot.com

    15. Sounds really good! And I love the cover - anything with glitter always catches my eye :)

    16. Yeah! I am always glad when Reading Lark can help people find new books. Thanks for stopping by! You are welcome any time. :)

    17. I haven't read this one either, but I'm certainly am intrigued by it! Great teaser!

    18. @Lisa - I should have my review up by next week. I'd love to hear your thoughts if you end up reading it.

    19. oooh good teaser, this sounds like a good book, may have to had it to my reading pile :D
      thanks for visiting my blog

    20. @barmybex - Thanks for visiting Reading Lark!

    21. Happy Teaser Tuesday!
      My teaser is here
      Please check out and comment on my interview with a wonderful nonprofit 'Mom to Madre' that helps spread literacy to families and helps mothers adjust to differences in their lives when going from one language to another! Thank you!

      Emma Michaels

    22. Thanks for stopping by, Emma! Off to check out your teaser. :)

    23. I so wanna read this one as well, the more I see it around the more I want to order it now.

      My Teaser Tuesday

    24. @BLH - It is good so far and I haven't met anyone who didn't like it. Come to the darkside - we have cookies and books. :)

    25. Doesn't this book have the most beautiful cover you have ever seen?
      Great teaser! Thanks for visiting my blog!

    26. Is she the stranger?!

      Thanks for visiting my teaser from Faefever.

      I've also got a contest running for the Moontide and Magic Rise Series.


    27. This is one I've been wanting to read for awhile.

    28. Thanks for visiting, Andrea.

      Uh oh. We know what a snarl means. Great teaser.


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