Weekly Lark 2/23/11

The Weekly Lark is a prompt for the imagination: something that’s just for fun. A lark is defined as “a source of or quest for amusement or adventure”. . . so let the adventure begin!

This week's lark: When you finish a book, how long is it before you pick up the next one?

Paula: For me, it depends on how much I loved my last read. Sometimes I'm not ready to say goodbye to those characters yet, so I wait a few days before starting something new. It also depends upon how much I'm anticipating my next read. On the whole, though, I am rarely in that space between books more than 48 hours.

Tevya: I usually start a new book immediately. I have a hard time going without anything to read, and my TBR pile is so tall that I'm rarely in need of something new to read. However, I'm like Paula. If I get so drawn into a story and so attached to the characters, I will have a hard time starting something new because I just don't want to let go yet. For me, when I have trouble moving on to the next thing, that's how I know it's a "5 birdie" book and a must-read recommendation. Usually I will jump right from one book to the next with no problems.

Andrea: Um, maybe 5 minutes... When I get close to finishing I have another one already picked out to take it's place.

Yes, Andrea really is that much of a book maniac. :)


  1. For me sadly it depends on if I have anything else to read! I'm a student so can't always afford to buy books and the stuff I prefer isn't stocked in my local library. If I had limitless access to books tho...I'd be like Andrea probably ;)

  2. Between my Kindle and the library - I am always well stocked. I seriously can't function if I'm not reading something. I also am usually reading 3-4 books at once. It's an addiction. I should probably seek medical attention.

  3. I am very much like Paula. If I really love a book or a series and connect with one or more of the characters, it's difficult for me to just pick up another book - I have to mentally "say goodbye". Maybe I sound a little kookie when I explain it like this, but I guess I'm a kookie kind of girl :) But regardless of how attached I am to a particular character, I won't go any longer than 1 or 2 days without reading something. When I'm sad because a book or series ended, I find it easier to move on to another book with a very similar plot or character type.

    Great question by the way :)

    Mandy @ Embrace Your Oddities

  4. Mostly I wait until my next reading break. If I finish a book at lunch time, I start the next one at afternoon break. I need a couple hours between books.

  5. @Cait- that's one of the luxuries of working at a school. Plenty of YA in stock.

    @Andrea- your friends have known for a while that you have a book problem. :)

    @mandy Lum- hey, if you are kookie, I am, too. Sometimes it's not the characters, but the world they live in that I want to stay with. I've found that I can break away easier, though, if I dream of myself in that world once. Seems to satisfy my imagination.

    @ She- You know, people who aren't book lovers might frown at that statement. Not us- we're all nodding and saying, "uh-huh."

  6. Sometimes it depends on how long it took to read the previous book. If it was very enjoyable, I jump right into another one. If my reading seemed to take longer that it was worth, I tend to wait -- maybe 3-4 days. It seems like it should be the opposite, huh. I tend to alternate heavy reads with lighter ones.

  7. Georgia Girls- that makes sense to me. If your last read was great, you hope to find another great one, so you're willing to dive in more quickly- right?


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