Top Ten Tuesday - 3/22/11

What are your Top 10 Bookish Pet Peeves?
(1-5 are Tevya, 6 - 10 are Andrea)
(1-5 are Tevya, 6 - 10 are Andrea)
1. Interruptions while I'm reading. I'm completely in the zone when I read. It takes a lot to disrupt me, and when something breaks through and disrupts me, I'm not a happy camper.
2. Having to stop reading. Seriously, just having to stop. Doesn't matter if I'm at the end of a chapter or not, I hate having to put my book down.
3. Having to wait for a sequel. I absolutely hate when I finish a book that I am so into, and it's so good, and I'm so not ready to let go of the characters, and there is a sequel... but it's not out yet.
4. Having a book returned (especially a favorite book) in bad shape. I love my books. I worship my books. I hate when I get a loaned book back and it has pages torn, creased, crumpled cover, food stains or water marks on pages...or even worse...boogers or bugs smushed into the pages. Eeeew!
5. Weak characters. I have to love and relate to the characters and be able to enjoy them. If I don't, I stop reading. The story holds no interest for me if the characters aren't strong. I especially love a strong, kick-butt female and a dangerous bad boy, but any well developed characters will work for me as long as they can be related to in some way.
6. People talking to me when I am reading.
7. Having to stop reading before I get to the end of a chapter.
8. Books that receive a lot of hype but don't deliver.
9. I need to connect to characters to enjoy a story - if I can't, I tune out.
10. Angel books - they are everywhere - apparently they are the new vampire.
I hate waiting for the next books in a series! I always seem to forget important information! Great list!
ReplyDeleteI definitely hear you with #4. I only lend out my books to a selected few people who I can trust to take care of my books. I never, ever lend a signed book copy. I'd rather spend money on a paperback to do so.
ReplyDeleteI hate waiting for sequels as well. I have a problem with creating in my head what I think should happen in the next book, only to be disappointed or even outraged. *blush* This is why I often pick up the next book- I've learned that for some really good books, it's not good for me to dwell.