Weekly Lark 3/23/11

The Weekly Lark is a prompt for the imagination: something that’s just for fun. A lark is defined as “a source of or quest for amusement or adventure”. . . so let the adventure begin!
This week: What book would you love to read, but haven't found yet?
Paula: being the nerd I am, I used to sometimes spend weekends in the library while in college. One of my favorite sections was the nonfiction on 18th and 19th century authors. I spent many hours reading Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley's journals. I am still fascinated by the story of her and Percy, and how they knew Lord Byron and Dr. Polidori. I would love to find a good fictionalization of that.
Andrea: I would love to read something that gave me the feeling that Twilight did the first time I read it. It wasn't that it was a great book, but there was something about that sparked something in me. It almost felt magical. I haven't found a book that has had that same effect since. I suppose I'm looking for that next series to fall in love with since this one has waned for me.
Tevya: there are so many good books out there, I can always find a story to fall in love with. I don't have down time to get book-wishful.
Ah, lucky girl- that's a great feeling, when it feels like good books are in bloom everywhere you look. :)

I agree--I spend every day in a library -- I never have "nothing to read." It IS a great feeling!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Tevya - there's almost never any time to get "book-wishful" for me either. But I am looking for the kind of book that takes me by the arms, and shakes me -- that forces emotions out of me, crying, whooping for joy, something like that!
Email: Enamoredsoul@gmail.com or Enamoredsoul(at)gmail(dot)com
Twitter: @inluvwithbookz
With the amount of books on my To-Read list, I can't really think of a book that hasn't been published yet that I'd like to read either. :) By the time I have time to even think about such a thing, I've spotted some new titles. How lucky it is to be a librarian! ^_^
ReplyDeleteAnnette and DJL- you ARE lucky! Oooh, every day in a library. . . but tell me, do you ever struggle with someone taking out a book who you know doesn't deserve it, because it's a favorite?
ReplyDeleteEnamored Soul- those are my favorites, too- the ones that give me a good cathartic moment.