Book Review: Better Together
Better Together
Author: Raymond M. Rose
Genre: Contemporary Literature
Type: eBook; provided by Author
Published: 10/10
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Publisher: Christopher Williams Books
Audience: Adult
My Thoughts:
I really enjoyed this read. Again, Mr. Rose takes me out of my PNR rut and sets me do

wn in the middle of Pennsylvania, where author Paul Rhoads is coming home again and to his best friend and sweetheart, Annie and her 8 month old son, Max. (Max’s bio-dad is a complete and total selfish jerk, and some other creative expletives I can come up with, but I’m going to behave.) They start a life together and its abruptly ended when Annie gets into a fatal car wreck. Now, as a mother, that is one of my greatest fears – Leaving my children without me. So this book had me right off and kept my attention through the trails and oft funny tribulations of child rearing. The seat gripper comes when Max’s (be nice, Michelle) bio-dad pops back into the picture after 5 years. I’m not going to revel too much, but I had my Nook a scant inch from my face until the end.
I also found the male POV really refreshing, both for the romantic aspect in the beginning and then for the parenting side. The image of Max and Paul doing cartoons on Saturdays in their pj’s and huge bowls of cereal was so vivid and real. Raymond Rose is definitely going to be on my Authors to Watch list.
Paul Rhoads, a successful horror novelist, has moved back to his hometown in Pennsylvania. Moving back home turns out to be more than just returning to his roots but starting up a relationship with his high school sweetheart, Annie. Annie, recently divorced, is the mother of a precious eight month old, Max. However, when Annie dies in a freak car accident, Paul finds himself catapulted into the role of father and decides to do something he would never have imagined himself doing: raise Max as his own.
Thanks for the review!
ReplyDeleteI'm happy to hear someone else really enjoyed this book. :) And I agree, it's been awhile since I've read a novel from a male PO, and reading from Paul's perspective was nice. :)