Literary Lark Pursuit: April Final Round!

Who will be queen of the nest this month? Only time will tell. The winner will receive a $10 gift card to Amazon or Barnes and Noble (winner chooses) and a lovely scrabble tile necklace made by our very own, Tevya. The winner will also be allowed to compete in March to defend her title. The goal is to have fun and learn about books.
Let me introduce our three competitors....
* Our Defending LLP Champion, DJL from Denim-Jacket Librarian Dishes
* Alyssa from Mostly Books.... Occasional Rants....
* Cleo from Booklopedia
Literary Lark Pursuit Basics:
Each week I will be issuing a challenge to the three lovely ladies competing this month. They have a week to track down the information I seek. Each of competitor must track down various books, authors, book trailers, and other literary items. One point will be awarded for each unique item. If this sounds like something you'd enjoy - send us an email and we'll get you on the competitor list. We still have spots open for our March competition. You can reach us at reading[dot]lark[at]gmail[dot]com
The challenge for this week asked for:
~ 3 books with characters named Tiffany
~ 3 authors from Texas
~ 1 book with a witch on the cover
~ 1 bookstore (nonchain) in Dover, Delaware
~ 1 book that has the word, Woman, in the title
~ 1 song from Jeri Smith-Ready's playlist for Wicked Game
~ 3 books with characters named Tiffany
1. A Pony Promise by Lois Szymanski
2. One Good Man by Terri Herrington
3. The Biggest Klutz in Fifth Grade by Bill Wallace
1. Wintersmith (Tiffany Aching #3) by Terry Pratchett
2. Fire Me Up (Aisling Grey, Guardian #2) by Katie MacAlister
3. Burned by Ellen Hopkins
1. Trials of Tiffany Trott by Isabel Wolff
2. Secrets of a Shoe Addict by Beth Harbison
3. Diamonds are Forever by Ian Fleming
Total Points Earned for Part 1 out of 3 possible points:
DJL = 3
Alyssa = 3
Cleo = 3
~ 3 authors from Texas
1. George Arnold
2. Vikk Simmons
3. Leon Hale
1. Carole Nelson Douglas
2. Rebecca Airies
3. Gail Giles
1. Sandra Cisneros
2. Fred Gipson
3. James Lee Burke
Total Points Earned for Part 2 out of 3 possible points:
DJL = 3
Alyssa = 3
Cleo = 3
~ 1 book with a witch on the cover
Witches and Witch-Hunts: A History of Persecution by Milton Meltzer
Hex: A Witch and Angel Tale by Ramona Wray
And Then Comes Halloween by Tom Brenner
Total Points Earned for Part 3 out of 1 possible point:
DJL = 1
Alyssa = 1
Cleo = 1
~ 1 bookstore (nonchain) in Dover, Delaware
Total Points Earned for Part 4 out of 1 possible point:
DJL = 1
Alyssa = 1
Cleo = 1
~ 1 book that has the word, Woman, in the title
Woman, Thou Art Loosed! The Book and Devotional for Women by T.D. Jakes
The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins
The Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston
Total Points Earned for Part 5 out of 1 possible point:
DJL = 1
Alyssa = 1
Cleo = 1
~ 1 song from Jeri Smith-Ready's playlist for Wicked Game
"Running Dry" by Steve Von Till
"Two Hearts" by Chris Isaak
"Gimme Sympathy" by Metric
Total Points Earned for Part 6 out of 1 possible point:
DJL = 1
Alyssa = 1
Cleo = 1
Final April Standings:
DJL: 38
Alyssa: 38
Cleo: 36
We have a tie! That means that three book trivia questions will be sent to both DJL and Alyssa via email. They have until Sunday at 1:00 pm Pacific time to hunt answers. The first to email Reading Lark with all the correct answers after 1:00 pm Pacific time will win and go on to defend her title in the May game. Good luck ladies!
Tune in next week to see who is competing in our May game!
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