Sunday Confessions 4/3/11

Sunday Confessions is a weekly meme from To Read or Not To Read. This week Marcie asks...

What is your preference, physical books or an e-reader?


I was one of those people who resisted the e-reader trend. I absolutely adore books. I love the feel of a book in my hands, I love the smell of a book, the sound of pages turning, I love everything about books. And then I decided I needed to own a Nook Color. While I will always love a book, and I will continue to buy the physical book copies of my favorite books, I adore my Nook. I love the instant gratification of getting new books immediately without leaving the comfort of my home. I love having many books with me every time I leave the house, and I have gotten to where the feel of my Nook in my hands is just as nice as the feel of a book.


It depends. I like having the physical books at times because I love to read in the bathtub. However, I love the instant gratification I get when Kindle books instantly appear. I hate having to wait for books when I want to read them as soon as possible.


  1. I love to read in the tub also....and my hubby would kill me if he knew but I take my ipad with me to read in there LOL...when I don't have the actual book on hand :)

  2. SupaGurl - I know what you mean. I take my Nook in the tub with me; I just can't fill the water quite as high as I like to. ;)

  3. I at first resisted the ereader craze and couldn't get over the thought of not having that book feel and smell. However, due to my lack of space due to random piles of books around the house, cheaper ebook prices, and even sometimes free ebooks I have finally caved in. Also, I love that I can download books from my library and not even leave home.

    I just read this morning on The Leaky Cauldron that JK Rowling is considering releasing ebook formats of HP series. I'm really excited about this because the books can be really heavy. Especially when lugging around heavy textbooks too.

  4. @Devan - Great thoughts! I totally agree. I ran out of bookshelves and my husband decided the Kindle was the perfect solution. I, like both you and Tevya, love being able to carry so many books at once. I also enjoy the cheaper prices and some of the free ones that pop up.

  5. I was so very hesitant on joining the eReader bandwagon, too, mostly because I just love my books too much to have all of them condensed into .PDF or .DOC or .EPUB format. But I eventually found a reader that was good for me, and I've enjoyed reading on it. I squealed so much at the first book I read on it, my coworkers in the lounge were looking at me like something was wrong. It's really nice to have a means of storing ebooks especially if that's the only format the book is available in. :)

  6. I have resisted the ereader craze for all the reasons you all listed. The smell of books, the feel of them in my hands, being able to look at my favorites sitting on a bookshelf. However, my son keeps trying to convince me that I need to get one. I am not sure if I would get a Kindle or a Nook.


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