Book Review: Pride & Prejudice: Hidden Lusts

Pride & Prejudice: Hidden Lusts
by Mitzi Szereto
Publication date: July 2011
Publisher: Cleis Press
Buy it at Amazon
Source: Author
Audience: Mature (It is erotica, people.)

This review has a new home at Reading Lark After Dark:


  1. Great review, Michelle! This sounds like a fun read. The Lydia comments cracked me up.

  2. You kill me! *grins* Absolutely love this review! Added the book to my tbrlist. =) Don't you think Lydia *would* be that sort to hump whatever in sight anyway? XD

    Thanks for alerting us to this book! ;)

  3. Ah, Michelle. Always a tasty morsel to review for us. Keep em coming, so to speak. *grin*

  4. hahahahaha! I loved this book! I need to buy this, so I can finally see the cold Mr. Darcy lose his shield. Thanks for the suggestion :D

  5. Another great review! I love reading your reviews. They are so personable and always manage to make me smile. (This one particularly cracked me up.) I'm looking forward to reading this one!


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