Weekly Lark 5/25/11

The Weekly Lark is a prompt for the imagination: something that’s just for fun. A lark is defined as “a source of or quest for amusement or adventure”. . . so let the adventure begin!
This week: When do you like to read? Are you a first-thing-in-the-morning reader, an evening reader, or just whenever you have a moment?
Michelle: My favorite time is in the afternoon, but when I'm into a book, I tote the book/Nook everywhere, and squeeze in even just a few pages everywhere. I also love audio books in the car, on the way grocery shopping and going to work out.
Andrea: I have a book on me at all times and will read whenever I have a free moment, but my favorite time to read is in the evenings. Most nights I will lay down around 8:00 and read until 10:30. Like Michelle, I always have an audio book in the car. Since my commute is so long I tend to finish two or three of those a week in addition to what I read on my Kindle and from books.
Julie: I'm usually a before-bed reader, but I also listen to audio books on the way to and from work religiously. So I guess I'm really an anytime reader depending on the format.
Paula: I am an evening reader. I unwind by escaping into a good book. I sleep better when I have a good story to dream myself into, rather than focusing on the day's worries. I can also squeeze in about 25 minutes a week while waiting for my child at piano lessons.
Tevya: I almost always read at night before bed, but I am an anytime, anywhere reader. I have my Nook or current book with me at all times, and I will squeeze in a few pages or even a few sentences here and there when I can. I've also been known to sit in the grocery store parking lot and steal 15-20 minutes of quiet reading time in my car.
Tiffany:I'm an anytime, anywhere reader! I always have my Nook and a book with me. I probably get the most reading done in the carpool line, doing laundry, and after everyone else is in bed.

I like to read when there is quiet around it could be in the morning but considering I'm a night owl then evening is best for me.