Book Review: Veiled

Published By: TreasureLine Publishing
Format: Ebook (320 pages)
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Source: Provided by
Audience: Young Adult

Have you ever wondered what went on before your spirit was sent to Earth? Have you ever wanted to know what happened during the seven days of creation? If so, then Veiled is the book for you.

Veiled is the story of the spirits, a race of celestial beings who are waiting to inhabit the Earth. Each of these beings is gifted in some way. For example, the main character, Tess, has the gift of discernment. Also, many of these beings meet their soul-mates in the heavenly world before entering their earthly bodies. Once they are sent to Earth, they will retain no memories of their former spirit lives and experiences. In addition, each spirit must choose to follow the First One or the Second One.

I honestly went into this one thinking it was going to be just another paranormal read focusing on angels. However, I didn't bargain for it to be right along the line that separates Christian fiction from secular fiction. The book isn't overly preachy, but some readers will avoid it for the Christian undertones. The writing is solid and Niccum has invested a vast amount of creativity and time into creating her world.

However, I will say that although I appreciated the complexity of the spirit world it was overwhelming for me as a reader at times. There were so many characters to keep track of and they each had different gifts. Niccum is nice enough to provide a list of characters and their gifts in the beginning, but I found it to be annoying to have to keep jumping from where I was reading on my Kindle to the first page to figure out who the character was again. I felt like I needed to copy this chart on a piece of paper and keep it with my Kindle at all times. I think this book would have been stronger if there were less minor characters. Also, I had trouble connecting with the characters. I just thought the main character was a bit too whiny and immature.

As I read this one, I found myself asking lots of questions and I don't think I got answers to all of them. I really wanted to know how the gifts are chosen for each spirit. Who decides who gets what? Also, what if you had a gift you didn't like or want? Could you switch it somehow or learn another? The questions were minor, but I did enjoy that Veiled caused me to generate so many. I also really enjoyed the concept of the soul-mate. I thought it was interesting that part of the spirit's task on earth was to find their perfect mate.

However, I did have trouble with the beginning of this one because it felt like the time in the spirit world lasted too long. There was so much information and world building for the reader to digest, but very little action. I would have liked to see more happening in this section to drive the plot forward.

Overall, this was a good read and I enjoyed the amount of creativity that went into its creation. Niccum is a solid writer with a lot to offer readers. I am interested to see what she has in store for us next.

One Last Gripe: I didn't like how Tess always moped instead of dealing with her problems

My Favorite Thing About This Book: The soul-mate concept

First Sentence: I have always existed.

Favorite Character: Alex

Least Favorite Character: Agatha


“I have always existed, not just me but all of us, the un-embodied spirits who wait to live.” Tess is an unborn spirit, who is about to embark on a much awaited journey into mortality to a brand new planet called Earth. She is chosen by the Eternals for an important mission, and is put through rigorous training, which exposes her to some of her darkest fears and insecurities. These experiences, however, enhance her gift as a discerner of thoughts and reader of auras—thus helping her become one of Heaven’s most powerful angels. But even angels falter, and deep inside her, a gnawing fear is growing. Will she meet her soul mate in life? Will their love be strong enough to overcome the forgetting effects of the Veil? And, is she prepared to take on the responsibility of keeping the most dangerous renegade and leader of the Fallen Angels at bay during mortality?


  1. I haven't heard of this book, but it sounds great. I do tend to shy away from religious based books, but from what you said, I may have to read it! Thanks for the great review.

    My Follow Friday and Book Blog Hop

    Kristin @ Better Read Than Dead

  2. Just from the first line I'm intrigued!

    Thanks for the review! I'm curious about the book and will have to check it out. :)


  3. I really love your review. Book has very interesting story. It seems very different and the trailer is great.
    The soul-mate concept sounds amazing!


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