Follow Friday 8/12/11

Q. How have your reading habits changed since you were a teen? Or If you are still a teen, what new genres are you in love with currently?

Tevya: It's really funny because as a teen, I was reading very adult books. I loved the smutty Harlequin romance novels and read as many of those as I could get my hands on. I went from Sweet Valley Twins and Sweet Valley High to Danielle Steel and Kathleen Woodiwiss and Harlequin romance. I have always been an avid reader, and that has not changed over the years. What has changed is that I have gained an appreciation for other genres, especially YA. The Twilight Saga was a turning point for me. I now love YA, paranormal romance (both adult and YA), and contemporary adult novels as well. It really cracks me up that as a teen, I read only adult romances, and as an adult, I love a good, clean YA book. Oh how our appreciation for the beauty of youth grows as we get older!

Andrea: Well, as a teen I actually read mainly adult books and military history. As an adult I still read a fair amount in those areas, but I read a lot of YA. I find it amusing that I never really read YA as a teen. I went from Nancy Drew in late elementary school straight to John Grisham in middle school. Also, in high school my reading for pleasure tapered off because I was reading for my classes so I didn't see reading as the relaxing past time I view it as today. As an adult, I know my life would be lacking if I had nothing to read. As a teen, I was more concerned with lip gloss and getting good grades.


  1. Stopping by as part of the blog hop to say hi and follow! Great design, a fan of cute birds myself. Check out my blog at

  2. Hi there,
    Stopping by via Parajunkee's Follow Friday. I'm following you.

    Have a great weekend!

    Holjo @ Pedantic Phooka

  3. I mentioned Kathleen Woodiwiss in my teen reads too. I just don't think there was quality YA when I was a teen (long ago....)so I read adult stuff.

    Great thoughts!

  4. I read adult books when I was a kid, too, and I still love Harlequins. I just started reading YA, and I am having fun finding new books and authors to enjoy.

    If you have time, drop in and say hi at:

    Manga Maniac Cafe


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