The Help Giveaway

Tevya and I are both big fans of The Help by Kathryn Stockett. I was so excited when I found out that they were making it into a movie. So, this morning I took myself over to the theater and saw the first showing. This film made me laugh and cry. 

I am not always a fan of my favorite books making it to the big screen - very rarely do they get things right and often the characters don't match those I saw in my head. However, I have to say that they did a pretty good job with the casting and plot of this one. Granted not everything from the book made it into the movie, but I really feel like they kept the important parts and remained true to the book. I loved seeing all the characters come to life. Skeeter, Minnie, Celia, and Hilly came across so well on the big screen. I was really impressed that the actresses were able to capture these characters perfectly. 

Also, if you've seen the movie - feel free to leave a comment and let us know what you thought about it.

Also, because we love the book so much and wanted to celebrate the movie's debut, we will be giving away TWO paperback copies of The Help to some lucky Reading Lark followers. This contest is open to our followers in the U.S. and Canada.

In order to win you must:
* Be at least 13 years old
* Have a mailing address in the U.S. or Canada
* Be a Reading Lark follower
* Fill out the Form

For Extra Entries you can:
* Leave a comment on this post and tell us what you think of the giveaway +1
* Leave a comment on The Help review +3
* Tweet this contest +3


  1. I saw the preview to the movie the other night and it made me want to read the book all the more. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  2. I've been so excited to read this book, everyone tells me it's so amazing! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  3. @Mandie - The movie was great, but I think the book is even better. It's one of my favorites.

    @Megan - I hope you enjoy it and pick up a copy if you don't win one of ours. It really is worth the time.

  4. Oh! I love this book! I was thrilled when I heard they were doing a movie. Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. This is such a great giveaway! I have been meaning to pick up this book because I have heard so much greatness about it... from everyone who has read it.

  6. Thanks! I would love to read this before I see the movie.

  7. Pity! I don't live in the US nor Canada. But why are giveaways always restricted to those countries? :-( Great site, anyway. Your latest follower (1001!) MG

  8. Awesome! I have been wanting to read this book forever but haven't gotten my hands on a copy yet. I'm dying to see what all the fuss is about.

  9. @Maria - Currently our giveaways have come from books we have on hand so for shipping reasons we have it limited to the US and Canada. We will try to do an international giveaway in the future.

  10. Thanks for the giveaway! I heard about the book some months back and thought it sounded interesting, especially as it's now a movie, and I would really like to read it.

  11. Totally agree. saw the movie today -- I both laughed and cried. Thought the acting was superb, and they did a good job staying true to the book.

  12. I think this contest is awesome! I really want to read the book before I see the movie, so thanks for a chance to win a copy:)
    jwitt33 at live dot com

  13. Great giveaway. Fantastic audio book if you get a chance to listen. :o)

  14. @Mickey - I agree! I loved the audio version.

  15. great contest I really want to read the book before I see the movie

  16. Would love to win the book. Watched the movie and really made me cry.


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