Weekly Lark 8/24/11

The Weekly Lark is a prompt for the imagination: something that’s just for fun. A lark is defined as “a source of
or quest for amusement or adventure”. . . so let the adventure begin!
Tiffany: Heather Brewer. Hands down, it would have to be Heather Brewer. First, her favorite band is Green Day, so us playing Bullet in a Bible all day wouldn't get reported to the HOA. Second, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say my over-the-top, quite possibly garish Halloween decor starting in mid-September would be perfect atmosphere for her writing. Third, my ten-year-old son LOVES her, so I'm guessing he would ALWAYS be on his best behavior, no hormonal freak-outs, because you never know if Auntie Heather is watching. Yup. Heather Brewer.
Andrea: Maggie Stiefvater- I would love to be able to talk to her about writing and books. Plus, if you've ever seen one of Maggie's tweets, you know she's hilarious! I would also love to have her play some music for me and it would be cool to see her artwork. She is such a down-to-earth person and the talent just oozes from her.
Meagen: I wish Shayla Black was my neighbor. I was lucky enough to meet her a few weeks ago, and she was so much fun to talk to! She has a wicked sense of humor and is a beautiful woman inside and out. She loves margaritas, which is a bonus, too!
Michelle: Sherrilyn Kenyon, because she's funny, friendly, and drinks about as much coffee as I do.
Julie: Maggie Stiefvater- because she is hilarious. And artistic. And brilliant. And musical. And awesome. Who wouldn't want an awesome creative neighbor who could make them laugh after a long day?
Paula: I am going to take this opportunity to give Myra McEntire a shout-out, because I just finished Hourglass and it was A-MAZ-ING. Anyone who understands people well enough to mess with your emotions that much, but is smart enough to craft that plot- I would love to have a chat with her over lemonade!

Andrea: Maggie Stiefvater- I would love to be able to talk to her about writing and books. Plus, if you've ever seen one of Maggie's tweets, you know she's hilarious! I would also love to have her play some music for me and it would be cool to see her artwork. She is such a down-to-earth person and the talent just oozes from her.
Meagen: I wish Shayla Black was my neighbor. I was lucky enough to meet her a few weeks ago, and she was so much fun to talk to! She has a wicked sense of humor and is a beautiful woman inside and out. She loves margaritas, which is a bonus, too!
Michelle: Sherrilyn Kenyon, because she's funny, friendly, and drinks about as much coffee as I do.
Julie: Maggie Stiefvater- because she is hilarious. And artistic. And brilliant. And musical. And awesome. Who wouldn't want an awesome creative neighbor who could make them laugh after a long day?
Paula: I am going to take this opportunity to give Myra McEntire a shout-out, because I just finished Hourglass and it was A-MAZ-ING. Anyone who understands people well enough to mess with your emotions that much, but is smart enough to craft that plot- I would love to have a chat with her over lemonade!

Hmmm, this is a difficult question. Right off the bat, I would have to say I wouldn't want a mystery writer living next door to me since they know too many ways to cover up a murder. :) I can't think of a specific author, but I'd probably like to have a neighbor who writes cookbooks so that I can always head over to their house for a good meal.