Weekly Lark 9/7/11

When you read, do you need quiet? Do you plan the noise in the room, or are you able to just block it all out? 

 Julie: I'm fine with noise, it's visual stimulation I can't handle. I absolutely cannot read in a room with the TV going. 

 Paula: I used to need silence. Since having kids, I'm not sure that it really exists anymore, so I've adapted. I can't read if I can see the TV, but my chair is on the same wall- so if it's on and I can't see it, I'm ok. 

 Meagen: I can do any kind of situation. I can block it all out. I can have the t.v., the computer, and a book going and be fine. 

 Tevya: I block it all out. In fact, it drives my family insane. Once I start reading, I'm completely into the book. The house could burn down around me and I probably wouldn't notice. 

 Andrea: I prefer perfect silence - I am easily distracted otherwise. 

 Michelle: It depends, but almost always I go for silence. Birds chirping and whatnot doesn't bother me, but if its the kids or the hubs, or the tv - Well, you might as well be flashing a shiny object at me, because I won't remember a thing I just read. Hmmm....Maybe thats why it took forever for me to finish A Dance with Dragons. 

 Tiffany: I prefer quiet, but if I'm really engaged I can block it all out, and that's saying something considering we are a house full of chaos!


  1. I like having music on while I read. It actually helps me focus more because when it's silent, my brain tends to get distracted by other things I have in the back of my mind.

  2. Lately, my problem has more to do with the quality of the book than my reading environment or preferences. The good books are so much easier to get completely involved in. The crap books just tend to let my mind wander too much. I know when I start thinking about getting chores done the book is a waste.

  3. ephrielle, I agree. If I'm really into my book, I can handle a lot more disruption.


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