Music Monday: Iron and Wine

Music Monday is our chance to feature music that we really love. Many writers use a writing playlist to help set the mood and tone of the scenes they are writing. We like to spotlight music from our favorite authors' playlists, but sometimes we just go with our favorite songs. 

Although my obsession is waning, I am still a total fan girl when it comes to all things Twilight. In the words of a dear friend, Twilight has become the comfort food of books for me. So in honor of the Breaking Dawn Part 1 album list being released, I'm going all the way back to the Twilight Soundtrack. This is a cross over song. We heard Flightless Bird, American Mouth for the prom dance, and a wedding version will be released for Breaking Dawn. This was one of my favorite songs on the Twilight album, and I can't wait to hear the new version of it!

For complete Breaking Dawn Part 1 Soundtrack Info click HERE.
