Weekly Lark 10/26/11

The Weekly Lark is a prompt for the imagination: something that’s just for fun. A lark is defined as “a source of or quest for amusement or adventure”. . . so let the adventure begin!
This week: Describe yourself and/or your fellow Larks by comparing to book characters.
We responded to the prompt electronically. Instead of just posting answers, I thought that this week you'd enjoy reading the whole conversation. :)
We responded to the prompt electronically. Instead of just posting answers, I thought that this week you'd enjoy reading the whole conversation. :)
Paula- Tev, I could see you as Laurel from the Wings series. She doesn't think of herself as special, but others see her as beautiful, unique and vital to their happiness. She often feels inadequate, when in reality she's doing exactly what others need her to.
Tevya- Awww - you are too sweet Twinkie! I'll have to think long and hard about this. This is tough.
Paula- Julie, you need some sort of warrior princess-type character. Your strength and sense of purpose amaze me- especially since you can also be confident enough to show your girly side.
Julie- Paula, I needed to hear that today. :) I was going to ask for someone to suggest a character who obsesses over things she can't control, has trust and self esteem issues sometimes, is completely scatterbrained and disorganized, is neurotic in so many ways and able to (obviously) hide it from the rest of the world, and handles things by avoiding them. Seriously, I had some of that typed out. lol
Julie- Paula's character needs to always knows the exact right thing to say at the exact right time. :) A fantastic friend who is selfless and giving, has a way with words, and shares herself with others unconditionally.
Paula- Awww- well, that's who I try to be! I'm sure that I don't always get there, but a girl needs a goal. :)
Tiffany- Myrnin from Morganville Vampires. I'm socially awkward and demented, but highly amusing.
Paula- I haven't read those yet. I don't know about the socially awkward/demented, but you are amusing!
Julie- If I'm going with a self-description - Pippi Longstocking. Has her own sense of honesty and fair play, enjoys telling tale tales and stories, embraces and celebrates the unconventional, is crafty and people rarely realize she's duping them until it's too late. ;)
Andrea- Paula, who would you say I'm like?
Paula- Andrea, you are Kristin Cashore's Katsa. You can seriously kick some ass, but refuse to be used or intimidated. You are loyal to those who deserve it, and the best friend a person could ask for.
Andrea- Then use that answer since I'm at a loss - now I probably should read Cashore's books, LOL
Andrea- Michelle is Pam from True Blood - sassy, hilarious, and always ready to take out the evil being lurking over your shoulder.
Andrea- Tevya is the Alice to my Bella - my best friend - the one I can go to no matter what - who always has my back - and helps me pick out cute clothes. She's also the Alice because she's short and perky.
Andrea-Paula is the Marmie from Little Women - she is always there for support, warmth, and advice. I always turn to her when I need a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on.
Andrea- Julie is the Professor McGonagall of the bunch. She's passionate about her job and making students into the best they can be. She's also not afraid to kick a little tail when the ghoulies come out and she has a thing for cats.
Andrea- Tiffany is Katniss. I can so see her wearing an outfit on fire. Plus, she'd be the type to rock a bow and arrows. Just ask her about her potato launcher.
Julie- had students compare me to her before...it helps I have a huge poster behind my desk with a quote from her in DH too. :)
Tiffany- I'm going to walk with my head a little higher tomorrow! Thanks.
Andrea- I honestly can't think of anyone for myself. You'd need to find a character that is competitive and a jokester. I also love challenges. I'm stubborn and deeply self conscious most of the time. In spite of all that, I am extremely loyal and will do anything for you if you have earned my trust.
Andrea- Tiffany - You are one of the most kick ass people I know. I have always admired your confidence and gumption.
Julie- I was thinking Alice for Tevya too. And I LOVE Marmie for Paula.
Tevya- Awwww..... I have no words! I will try to think of someone for Andrea.
Julie- And I've met Tiffany and so see the Katniss comparison. And I love Michelle as Pam...sassy and hilarious are spot on. Andrea rocks at this!
Andrea- Meagen is the Azalea from Entwined by Heather Dixon. She takes care of everyone else around her and often sacrifices her own happiness to do so. However, she can always escape to another world where she can do as she pleases without being burdened by real life. She also doesn't always see her gifts clearly in spite of being so awesome.
Tevya- Michelle is also Simi from the Dark Hunter series. She's the youngest of our group, but she is lethal to anyone who threatens one of her sisters. She's got a heart of pure gold and would give the shirt off her back for someone in need. However, you do NOT want to hurt someone she loves. She will eat you!
Andrea- So, are you actually trying to tell us Michelle is a zombie?
Tevya- No, silly. She's a little gothic Charonte demoness with pretty red hornays. ;)
Andrea- hornays? Is that code for something? Sounds dirty.
Tevya- I have Andrea - She is Ripley Todd from Nora Roberts' Three Sisters Island trilogy. She is the most loyal friend a person could have and her family is her world. She's extremely smart and competitive (and just a little stubborn). She's down to earth and sincere, but she also she loves to laugh and be silly with friends.
Andrea- Thanks Tev! I have no idea who Ripley is, but I dig her name and she sounds pretty cool.
Tevya- Andrea, she's a witch. :D And she is way cool and yes, even her name sounds like you.
Andrea- Sweet - I've always wanted be a witch.
Tiffany- I toyed with the idea of Grace from Shiver, but she's too serious. Smart, introspective, and loyal.
Andrea- Yeah, being serious is physically painful - I think I'm allergic.
Paula- I can't tell you how much I love where this conversation has gone. And now I HAVE to read Little Women!!
Paula- Andrea, I know I already dubbed you Katsa, but I think you might be an Alex from Half-Blood. She is snarky and driven, yet self-conscious. She hates to be bossed around. She knows what she wants, and hells on whoever stands in her way.
Andrea- You haven't read Little Women?!?! It is one of my favorite books ever! You could also watch the movie with Winona Ryder if you need to know more about Marmie before you read it. It is a decent adaptation.
Paula- It's in my stack right here next to my chair. I got it on the dollar rack this summer. :)
Andrea- Marmie is the mother and Paula is a mother hen figure. She keeps me in line. :)
Michelle- Bwahahahaha! I love Pam and of course Simi! So thats who my friends say I am. I would definitely Let me think on who y'all are....*evil laugh*
Meagen- Someone clumsy.....hmmmm......family is thinking.
Meagen- OK- Stephanie Plum- this from the husband. LOL
(BTW, we didn't intentionally leave Meagen out of the conversation; she just wasn't online when the rest of us were. We love all our Larks.)
Tevya- Awww - you are too sweet Twinkie! I'll have to think long and hard about this. This is tough.
Paula- Julie, you need some sort of warrior princess-type character. Your strength and sense of purpose amaze me- especially since you can also be confident enough to show your girly side.
Julie- Paula, I needed to hear that today. :) I was going to ask for someone to suggest a character who obsesses over things she can't control, has trust and self esteem issues sometimes, is completely scatterbrained and disorganized, is neurotic in so many ways and able to (obviously) hide it from the rest of the world, and handles things by avoiding them. Seriously, I had some of that typed out. lol
Julie- Paula's character needs to always knows the exact right thing to say at the exact right time. :) A fantastic friend who is selfless and giving, has a way with words, and shares herself with others unconditionally.
Paula- Awww- well, that's who I try to be! I'm sure that I don't always get there, but a girl needs a goal. :)
Tiffany- Myrnin from Morganville Vampires. I'm socially awkward and demented, but highly amusing.
Paula- I haven't read those yet. I don't know about the socially awkward/demented, but you are amusing!
Julie- If I'm going with a self-description - Pippi Longstocking. Has her own sense of honesty and fair play, enjoys telling tale tales and stories, embraces and celebrates the unconventional, is crafty and people rarely realize she's duping them until it's too late. ;)
Andrea- Paula, who would you say I'm like?
Paula- Andrea, you are Kristin Cashore's Katsa. You can seriously kick some ass, but refuse to be used or intimidated. You are loyal to those who deserve it, and the best friend a person could ask for.
Andrea- Then use that answer since I'm at a loss - now I probably should read Cashore's books, LOL
Andrea- Michelle is Pam from True Blood - sassy, hilarious, and always ready to take out the evil being lurking over your shoulder.
Andrea- Tevya is the Alice to my Bella - my best friend - the one I can go to no matter what - who always has my back - and helps me pick out cute clothes. She's also the Alice because she's short and perky.
Andrea-Paula is the Marmie from Little Women - she is always there for support, warmth, and advice. I always turn to her when I need a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on.
Andrea- Julie is the Professor McGonagall of the bunch. She's passionate about her job and making students into the best they can be. She's also not afraid to kick a little tail when the ghoulies come out and she has a thing for cats.
Andrea- Tiffany is Katniss. I can so see her wearing an outfit on fire. Plus, she'd be the type to rock a bow and arrows. Just ask her about her potato launcher.
Julie- had students compare me to her before...it helps I have a huge poster behind my desk with a quote from her in DH too. :)
Tiffany- I'm going to walk with my head a little higher tomorrow! Thanks.
Andrea- I honestly can't think of anyone for myself. You'd need to find a character that is competitive and a jokester. I also love challenges. I'm stubborn and deeply self conscious most of the time. In spite of all that, I am extremely loyal and will do anything for you if you have earned my trust.
Andrea- Tiffany - You are one of the most kick ass people I know. I have always admired your confidence and gumption.
Julie- I was thinking Alice for Tevya too. And I LOVE Marmie for Paula.
Tevya- Awwww..... I have no words! I will try to think of someone for Andrea.
Julie- And I've met Tiffany and so see the Katniss comparison. And I love Michelle as Pam...sassy and hilarious are spot on. Andrea rocks at this!
Andrea- Meagen is the Azalea from Entwined by Heather Dixon. She takes care of everyone else around her and often sacrifices her own happiness to do so. However, she can always escape to another world where she can do as she pleases without being burdened by real life. She also doesn't always see her gifts clearly in spite of being so awesome.
Tevya- Michelle is also Simi from the Dark Hunter series. She's the youngest of our group, but she is lethal to anyone who threatens one of her sisters. She's got a heart of pure gold and would give the shirt off her back for someone in need. However, you do NOT want to hurt someone she loves. She will eat you!
Andrea- So, are you actually trying to tell us Michelle is a zombie?
Tevya- No, silly. She's a little gothic Charonte demoness with pretty red hornays. ;)
Andrea- hornays? Is that code for something? Sounds dirty.
Tevya- I have Andrea - She is Ripley Todd from Nora Roberts' Three Sisters Island trilogy. She is the most loyal friend a person could have and her family is her world. She's extremely smart and competitive (and just a little stubborn). She's down to earth and sincere, but she also she loves to laugh and be silly with friends.
Andrea- Thanks Tev! I have no idea who Ripley is, but I dig her name and she sounds pretty cool.
Tevya- Andrea, she's a witch. :D And she is way cool and yes, even her name sounds like you.
Andrea- Sweet - I've always wanted be a witch.
Tiffany- I toyed with the idea of Grace from Shiver, but she's too serious. Smart, introspective, and loyal.
Andrea- Yeah, being serious is physically painful - I think I'm allergic.
Paula- I can't tell you how much I love where this conversation has gone. And now I HAVE to read Little Women!!
Paula- Andrea, I know I already dubbed you Katsa, but I think you might be an Alex from Half-Blood. She is snarky and driven, yet self-conscious. She hates to be bossed around. She knows what she wants, and hells on whoever stands in her way.
Andrea- You haven't read Little Women?!?! It is one of my favorite books ever! You could also watch the movie with Winona Ryder if you need to know more about Marmie before you read it. It is a decent adaptation.
Paula- It's in my stack right here next to my chair. I got it on the dollar rack this summer. :)
Andrea- Marmie is the mother and Paula is a mother hen figure. She keeps me in line. :)
Michelle- Bwahahahaha! I love Pam and of course Simi! So thats who my friends say I am. I would definitely Let me think on who y'all are....*evil laugh*
Meagen- Someone clumsy.....hmmmm......family is thinking.
Meagen- OK- Stephanie Plum- this from the husband. LOL
(BTW, we didn't intentionally leave Meagen out of the conversation; she just wasn't online when the rest of us were. We love all our Larks.)

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