Book Review: The Calling
By: Kelley Armstrong
Published By: HarperTeen
Publication Date: April 10, 2012
Page Count: 326
Buy it at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or IndieBound
Source: ARC Graciously Provided by Publisher
Audience: Young Adult - Paranormal
I just need to start this review by saying this is an AWESOME book. I really liked the first book, but this one totally blew me away. I read most of the book largely in one sitting. I could not stop reading; the plot was action packed and I couldn't stand not knowing what was going to happen to Maya and Co. Kelley Armstrong never ceases to amaze me with her flawless writing style and creativity. I love the life she breathes into these characters; The Calling is one of those books that pulls the readers into the action. I felt like I was with the group throughout the entire story and I was upset to see it come to an end. I am so anxious for book three to see how this trilogy is going to wrap up. If you have not started reading this series yet - drop everything and buy the first book TODAY. It's that good.
In the first book of this trilogy, The Gathering, readers meet Maya and her classmates while learning about the town of Salmon Creek. The town was created by the St. Clouds, who own a corporation that specializes in medical technology. Everyone who lives in the tiny town of Salmon Creek, located on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, is involved with the corporation on some level. The teens in town feel lucky to live in such a tight knit community in such a beautiful location, but things start to get strange when newcomers enter the tiny hamlet and start asking questions. Book one truly serves to gives us information on this world and to start laying clues that will be important for future reads.
The Calling picks up right where book one left off as Maya and several other teens from the town board a helicopter to escape a forest fire that threatens to leave Salmon Creek in ashes. From sentence one, there is nothing but fast paced action that provides momentum for moving this trilogy along. Book one had its slow moments, but this edition does not suffer from that malady. There is not a dull moment. I am strongly opposed to spoilers in reviews so I won't say more, but I am dying to talk to someone about this book.
One of my favorite aspects in The Calling was getting more specific information on Maya and Daniel's abilities. There are also other gifted teens that are revealed in this edition. I didn't get all the answers to my questions, but I was happy to see that some light was shed on lingering confusion from book one. The supernatural element of this one is fascinating and I have to applaud Kelley Armstrong for doing something different. While she still includes some traditional supernatural beings such as witches - they are not the traditional ones you have read about in the past.
I have also been told by several other fans of Kelley Armstrong that I need to read the Darkest Powers series since there is going to be some crossover between this trilogy and that one in the future. I will certainly do that before book three of this one comes out. Armstrong has solidified her spot on my favorite authors list with this book and I would read anything she has written with no hesitation.
One Last Gripe: I don't have any. Shocking, huh?
My Favorite Thing About This Book: The world Armstrong has created - I love everything about it
First Sentence: I don't know who was more anxious - Daniel or Kenjii - but they weren't making this emergency helicopter evacuation any easier.
Favorite Character: Maya
Least Favorite Character: I can't say because it is a spoiler
Maya and her friends--all of whom have supernatural powers--have been kidnapped after fleeing from a forest fire they suspect was deliberately set, and after a terrifying helicopter crash they find themselves pursued by evildoers in the Vancouver Island wilderness.
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