Book Blast: Masters of the Veil
What's a Book Blast you might ask yourself? Well, its a fun way for a lot of blogs to help showcase some great books AND offer up some amazing prizes to our readers. Check out the great information we have about the book, Masters of the Veil by Daniel Cohen, & enter for your chance to win a $100 Gift Card from Amazon. We are also pleased to showcase some character interviews.

So before “Masters of the Veil,” happened, Dan sat down and interviewed some of
his characters. We won’t get into the details of how Dan got into Atlas Crown (the
magical community where the story takes place), but let’s just say it wasn’t easy.
Super short character bios:
Sam Lock: High school football star. Popular, sociable, and knows nothing about
magic… yet.
Daphne Sunder: Beautiful, intelligent, and one of the most popular young sorcerers in
Atlas Crown.
Cassiella Pyx: Shy, kind, and sort of nerdy. Even though she keeps a low profile, she is
also one of the more powerful young sorcerers.
Glissandro Thicket: Glissandro is a young, mute sorcerer who speaks magically
through music. He uses the horn of a skull-wolf to create his musical language. He also
keeps to himself.
Petir LaVink: Grumpy young sorcerer. He hates outsiders. VERY good at magic.
Rona Rono: Teaches the best young sorcerers in Atlas Crown (Daphne, Cassiella,
Glissandro, and Petir). Was a tribal king in Africa before he was brought to Atlas Crown.
May: Liaison from Atlas Crown to the outside world.
Here are some of the highlights of the interview.
Dan asked: “What’s your dream in life?”
Sam Lock: I’m living it, baby! Did you see how many scouts were at my last
Petir LaVink: You don’t belong here (at this point, Petir raises his second-
skin* at Dan). You’re lucky May says you’re ok, or I would… You know what? I’m
leaving (he leaves the room in a huff).
Daphne: Easy. I’m going to be head grower some day. Can you Just imagine
being in charge of the seven grow fields? Just being around all the animals, and
plants, and colors. It’s like the most important job in Atlas Crown.
Cassiella: I don’t know. I guess… I don’t know. It would be nice to meet
somebody (she looks down at her feet). Can we go to the next question?
Glissandro: To be the first in my family to go through
mystical Omani** I want to make my brother proud.
Daphne: One time I was with May in the grow fields and she called like every
bird in Atlas Crown. Thousand of birds, every color imaginable, all came and May
tossed handfuls of seeds into the air and the birds each caught one and flew away.
I’ve never seen anything more beautiful. There was no chaos. The birds all fell in
line like a dance. May said that another magical community had lost one of their
fields—she never told me how—so she was sending a new one. It doesn’t get much
better than natural magic.
Cassiella: I love watching Rona. He can drape anything. He made me a wooden
flower that only blooms on the full moon, but when it opens up it gives off
whatever smell would make me most happy. Last moon it smelled like honey and
Rona Rono: (His eyes darken) If you don’t mind, I’d like to skip that question.
After the interview, the characters shared their thoughts on
meeting Dan:
Sam Lock: He’s kind of small. I doubt he’d be very good on the field. He’s not
like the son of a coach or something, is he? Oh. He’s a writer? Yeah, that makes
more sense. So why did I meet with him?
Daphne Sunder: I guess he seems nice. Not my type. It’s not his fault though, I
just wouldn’t ever date a flathand*.
*A flathand is someone who cannot connect with the Veil.
Cassiella Pyx: I really like blue eyes (at this point in the interview, Cassiella
blushes). Don’t tell him I said that!
Glissandro Thicket: He kept mentioning
saxophone? What’s a saxophone?
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