Book Review: The Awakening

The Awakening 
 (Darkest Powers #2)
By:  Kelley Armstrong
Published By:  Harper Collins
Publication Date:  March 23, 2010
Page Count: 360
Source:  Purchased by Reviewer
Audience:  Young Adult - Fantasy
For the middle book in a trilogy, I really enjoyed this one. As we all know, the second book is often painful to get through but not in this case -- possibly due to the fact that there is very little romance so far -- just hints of some romantic feelings that seem to be slowly simmering in the background.

It's hard to talk about this book without spoilers; therefore, there will be some.

The Awakening picks up with Chloe and Rae under The Edison's Group care after being turned in by Chloe's Aunt Lauren, with Derek and Simon still missing and on the run. Chloe is enlightened with the goings on by summoning Brady, a former patient, who is now a ghost. Dr. Davidoff also explains to Chloe The Edison Group's purpose (frought with propaganda). She doesn't buy their innocent motives -- rightfully so. She plots to escape, and hopefully rejoin Simon and Derek, while The Edison Group plots to use Chloe as bait to recapture the boys and possibly eliminate them all because the kids cannot be controlled or rehabilitated to the expectations of The Edison Group. But these kids outsmart The Edison Group once again, with help from Chloe's Aunt Lauren of all people, who comes to the realization of what is really going on.

With Chloe and her friends on the run, their journey of getting as far away from The Edison Group and hopefully finding help from Simon and Derek's father is intense and action packed at times. As well, during their time on the run, it's not surprising that strong bonds begin to form between at least three of the friends.

This trilogy is safe, clean fun suitable for younger teens. I almost don't miss the lack of romance... BUT... there is something developing between Chloe and the two brothers individually. These characters are fairly young (15/16) so it is not surprising that these new feelings are somewhat new and requires time to sort them out.

The Awakening also has some delicious creepiness rolled into this story involving necromancy and other supernatural phenomena and the ending wrapped up nicely with a few strings left for the final book in this trilogy.

And while The Reckoning is the last book in this trilogy, the new Darkness Rising series stars new characters in the same world. As I understand it, the author plans to merge all the characters of both trilogies in the last book of the Darkness Rising series.
 In this follow-up to "The Summoning," the first book in the Darkest Powers trilogy, "New York Times"-bestselling author Armstrong continues the thrilling adventures of a teenage necromancer and her supernatural friends.
