Author Interview: J. Meyers

We are excited to welcome author, J. Meyers, to the nest today. 

Andrea @ Reading Lark: How long have you been writing? 

J: I've been writing professionally for about 15 years. I started out writing for educational texts, then co-authored a couple of parenting books, and now I've published my first novel. And it's funny that I ended up being a writer because I absolutely hated writing when I was in high school and college. :-) 

Andrea @ Reading Lark: Can you describe your novel in five words? 

J: Gifted twins must change future. 

Andrea @ Reading Lark: Where did you get the idea for this novel? 

J: My idea of a girl who could heal with a touch of her hand was inspired by Reiki, which is an alternative hands-on healing method that I know and love. It was expanded to include a twin brother and gifted teens all over the world after I was flipping through a superhero encyclopedia (my kids are BIG into superheroes) and I suddenly thought "Wouldn't it be cool if there were teens popping up everywhere with superhuman abilities?" And once the idea grabbed hold of me it wouldn't let go. 

Andrea @ Reading Lark: Which character is most like you? Why? 

J: I don't think any of them are. Of course they are each a part of me and I've stepped into their fictional skins to see how they would react to a given situation, but they are unique individual creations. I didn't base any one character on me or anyone else I know. 

Andrea @ Reading Lark: Where is your book set? 

J: It's set in present day Burlington, Vermont, as well as the Realm--a parallel world that humans are unaware of. 

Andrea @ Reading Lark: Who are three of your favorite authors? 

J: I have more than three! But here's three of my favorites: Laini Taylor, Frannie Billingsley, and Aidan Chambers. 

Andrea @ Reading Lark: What is your favorite bird? 

J: I'm totally in love with these sweet little Carolina wrens who built a nest on our front porch. They are shaped like a ball with a tail and have the best song. And this morning, my kids and I were lucky enough to watch the chicks fledge! It was so amazing to see the babies try to fly for the first time. (And I took pictures and posted them here:

Twins Sera and Luke Raine have a well-kept secret—she heals with a touch of her hand, he sees the future. All their lives they’ve helped those in need on the sly. They’ve always thought of their abilities as being a gift.

Then Luke has a vision that Sera is killed. That gift they’ve always cherished begins to feel an awful lot like a curse. Because the thing about Luke’s ability? He’s always right. And he can’t do anything about it.

Author Bio:

J. Meyers grew up in Vermont and now lives in Central New York. When she’s not reading or writing, she’s chasing her four kids around, exploring the outdoors with them, relishing the few quiet moments she gets with her husband, baking sweet treats, and forgetting to make dinner. Though she cannot actually see the future nor heal with a touch of her hand, she likes to think her children believe she can. Intangible is her first novel.


  1. Nice interview. Your book sounds great and I LOVE the cover!!

    1. Thanks for checking out the interview. I love the cover of this one as well.


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