Cover Crazy: Inescapable

Inescapable (The Premonition, #1)        The purpose of Cover Crazy is to feature a cover each week for us to admire its beauty. I really like this idea since there are so many great covers out there! Cover Crazy is a meme that was started by The Book Worms.

I have not read this book, but this cover makes me want to. I am drawn to the visual contrast- both in the black and white graphics, but also the light, soft feather next to the hard reflective surface. I want to know what's going on inside these pages. To me, that's exactly the job of a book cover graphic: to draw in the potential reader. 
I have marked this as a to-read, and hope to get to it soon.



  1. Ahh I love it! It reminds me of the covers of some of my sister in-law's books (She is an indie author). Although she did do some slight re-design to the covers a few days ago... anyway I hope you will do a review for Inescapable soon! curious to see if the book is as cool as that cover

    1. I hope I get to read and review too, Kassie! Thanks for stopping by. :)

  2. Thank you for featuring Inescapable on your amazing website. I'm honored and grateful :D

    1. It's our pleasure, Amy! I see there are sequels as well, with beautiful covers. They are calling to me. They are on my to-read list, for sure. :)

  3. It is a pretty cover isn't t? The books is definitely a must read. Loved it!

  4. April, thanks for letting me know you enjoyed it! Now I'm even more eager to get my hands on a copy. :)

  5. I actually chose to read this book based on its cover. I will forever be in LOVE with these books and have recommended them to everyone I know. :)

    1. Oh, good to know, Rachel! Thanks for the recommendation. :)


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