Cover Crazy: Slide

The purpose of Cover Crazy is to feature a cover each week for us to admire its beauty. I really like this idea since there are so many great covers out there! Cover Crazy is a meme that was started by The Book Worms. The linky is currently hosted by Turning the Pages.

This is a great cover. It has some really strong design elements, such as a restricted color scheme and high contrast. I particularly like how the title is showing the 'slide' in action, and seems a little blurred. Vee's face actually takes a backseat for me in this cover. I like how the focus is not on what she is looking at, but more, what is happening to her as she is looking. A really nifty way of bringing the book's themes through with a simple graphic. Did I mention I also love blue/purple? Another reason why I fell in love with this cover. 


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