Magic Lamp Sunday 7/21/13

We discovered this meme at Ya-Aholic, where it runs on Fridays. It sounded like a fun addition to our lineup, but fits better here on Sundays. This is based on the basic Magic Lamp = 3 wishes idea. Since there are so many of us, though, we're just taking one each per week.
If we had a Magic Lamp, we'd wish:
Andrea: I wish that I lived in the same town as my best friends like Blake and Vivi do in Wedding Belles by Beth Albright.
Michele: I sometimes wish I had the power that River has. . . but only for 'good', of course! Inspired by Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by April Genevieve Tucholke.
Jen: I wish I had more time to read!
Paula: I wish I could sample some of the baked goods that Oliver sells at his shop in Defiance by C.J. Redwine.
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