Magic Lamp Sunday 8/24/13

We discovered this meme at Ya-Aholic, where it runs on Fridays. It sounded like a fun addition to our lineup, but fits better here on Sundays. This is based on the basic Magic Lamp = 3 wishes idea. Since there are so many of us, though, we're just taking one each per week.
If we had a Magic Lamp, we'd wish:
Andrea: I wish that I never have to know the fear and worry that Lynn lives through on a daily basis in Not a Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis.
Jen: I wish that I could connect to the Earth's energy and be at one with the animals sometimes. Inspired by Raven Flight by Juliet Marillier.
Michele B.: I wish I could "vault" from one place to another like Titus easily can in The Burning Sky by Sherry Thomas.
Paula: I wish I had Aubrey's ability to go invisible at will, like she can in Blackout by Robison Wells.
Those are quite cool wishes! I can't wait till I can get to read Not A Drop To Drink!