Magic Lamp Sunday 1/26/14

We discovered this meme at Ya-Aholic, where it runs on Fridays. It sounded like a fun addition to our lineup, but fits better here on Sundays. This is based on the basic Magic Lamp = 3 wishes idea. Since there are so many of us, though, we're just taking one each per week.
If we had a Magic Lamp, we'd wish:
Nicole: I wish that I was eloquent enough to inspire an entire village to pack up and move across the world. Inspired by Eldest by Christopher Paolini.
Jen: I wish that I could hang out with the house elves in the Hogwarts kitchens. Inspired by the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.
Michele: I wish I had a magical amulet that held stored magic from a powerful (and good) wizard. Inspired by The Exiled Queen by Cinda Williams Chima.
Pyper: I wish I could go to Paris. . . and that I knew French! Inspired by Just One Day by Gayle Forman.
Andrea: I wish that I owned an old Victorian house with a blue ceiling in the attic like the one that Nadia lives in- inspired by Spellcaster by Claudia Gray.
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