Magic Lamp Sunday 3/16/14

We discovered this meme at Ya-Aholic, where it runs on Fridays. It sounded like a fun addition to our lineup, but fits better here on Sundays. This is based on the basic Magic Lamp = 3 wishes idea. Since there are so many of us, though, we're just taking one each per week. 

If we had a Magic Lamp, we'd wish:
 Michele: I wish I could swing a katana like Allie can in The Forever Song by Julie Kagawa.  

Jen:  I wish that I lived next to a pair of hot, awesome kissing, hot brothers who both want me, like Kyra does in The Taking by Kimberly Derting.  

Nicole: I wish there was an angel whispering good financial advice in my ear. Inspired by The Colour of Angels' Souls by Sophie Audouin-Mamikonian. 

Andrea: I wish that I owned a Faberge Egg- inspired by Tsarina by J. Nelle Patrick.  

