Love Potion #11: Melissa Lummis Spotlight
What do you get when you take eleven awesome paranormal authors, toss them into one box set, and turn up the heat?
Why, you get Love Potion No. 11, of course.
This box set contains ELEVEN full-length novels from eleven authors. And right now. . .for a limited time. . .it's only 99 cents.
Talk about a bang for your buck.
Eleven full length paranormal novels celebrating strong women, sizzling hot heroes, and all the things that go bump in the night.
Melissa Lummis, author of ENLIGHTENED, shares some fun facts about both the setting of her book and her own journey:
So I was asked, once again, to write a "unique bio" as an author. Oy. Can I tell you how hard this is for me? Every time I'm asked to write my bio, I cringe. What am I supposed to say? I love to write? Um, yes, I do, but that's not all of it. I live to write? Almost there. I write to stay sane. Ah, yes. There's the truth.
Let me explain: Without writing, my brain is like a squirrel in a cage. Can you picture it? It’s frantically running in circles, gnawing at bars, whirling around for a way to escape. It goes through periods where it sits in the corner and pants with a glassy-eyed stare, then it’s back to the incessant scrambling. I HAVE to give my squirrel stories to create, because if I don't focus its energy, it will create things to worry about, great anxiety-provoking scenarios that raise my blood pressure and render me panicked.
And my squirrel is not content with just any stories. No sir. They must have emotional depth, be fantastic adventures, and just plain fun. I want readers to be thoroughly entertained and enthralled when they read my stories. I like mixing up magic and passing it on. I love spreading happiness and while I rarely get to see the smiles my stories inspire, I imagine them, and with my squirrel's vivid abilities, its mostly enough.
And that is why I became an author. Stories that make my heart race and crack me wide open: that's what makes me tick. And if you enjoy that sort of thing, why you might want to read my books.

The ashram in Enlightened is inspired by a real ashram right here in my neck of the woods, the
Appalachian Mountains ofVirginia. Yes, there really is an ashram in Virginia. It’s called Yogaville and it’s an amazing place. The Lotus shrine I write about really exists, too, and when I first saw it, I knew it would be the perfect addition to my novel.
It was founded by Sri Swami Satchidananda and is a vibrant yoga community focusing on the precepts of Integral Yoga and the teachings of Satchidananda.
While my Marksville Ashram is nothing like the Yogaville ashram, considering it was founded by vampires, I did picture this incredibly beautiful, peaceful place while I was writing my novels.
Loti Dupree is about to learn that karma’s a nightmare. After her husband’s sudden illness and mysterious death, ominous nightmares and psychic attacks have her running for her life—and straight into the arms of a dark and broody vampire.
In his world of closely guarded secrets, every answer she uncovers leads to more questions. Sexy distractions teeter between dangerous and too good to quit, while Loti struggles with losing and finding herself in the arms of this mysterious creature. When the attacks intensify and friends become casualties, she must face the truth whether she wants to or not.
Someone out there will stop at nothing to kill her and only the vampire named Wolf and a destiny she isn’t prepared to embrace stands between her and an early grave.
Melissa Lummis considers herself a truth seeker, a peaceful warrior, a paranormal and fantasy writer, an avid reader, a thru-hiker, a Penn Stater, a wife, a mother, and a free thinker. She believes the universe conspires to help an adventurer. And if we live our lives as if it is a daring adventure (and it is!), then everything we need will find its way to us.
Her books have been described as new age suspense in a fantasy setting, but they are also straight up, steamy Paranormal Romance. The Love and Light Series is currently available at most ebook retailers, as well as the Little Flame Series, a spin off focusing on the character Fiamette from the Love and Light world.
Recently, she’s ventured into contemporary and erotic romance. Her first short story in this genre, Exquisite Folly, appeared in the anthology Just a Night, and a full-length novel is in the works. It’s a spin off of Exquisite Folly and will feature all of its characters. Keep an eye out next spring or subscribe to her newsletter to find out exactly when it will arrive.
She lives in rural Virginia with her husband, two children, an Alaskan Malamute, and a myriad of forest creatures. The nature of her mind dictates that she write to stay sane. Otherwise, her fertile imagination takes off on tangents of its own accord, creating scenarios and worlds that confuse the space-time continuum. Namaste, dear friends.
Keep up with Melissa: Facebook/Twitter/Website/Google+/Tumblr/Pinterest/Newsletter
Thank you! This is truly an amazing group of authors and I feel humbled to have been chosen to be I. The box set.