Book Review: Barely Breathing

Barely Breathing
By: Rebecca Donovan
Published by: Skyscape
Release date: May 8, 2012
385 pages
Buy it at Amazon or Barnes & Noble
Source: e-copy purchased by reviewer
Rebecca Donovan left her readers with a major cliff-hanger at the end of Reason to Breathe. It was great to start Barely Breathing with the knowledge that Emma is alive and surviving. She's not 100% well. Who would be after her aunt tried to murder her? But she is coping in the only way she knows how.
Of course, Emma makes many bad decisions in Barely Breathing. From jumping in to living with her mother, to confiding in Jonathan, and pushing Evan kind of want to yell at her "What the heck is wrong with you?" Add into this Rachel's drinking and her drunken tirades and you have a recipe for disaster. Wen you look at all that Emma has been through in her young life, you realize she is probably going to make some really bad decisions before she figures her life out.
Because of that, this book was wonderful, but much harder to read than the first one. Poor Evan really got the short end of the stick in this book. He tried to hard to be the good, caring, and understanding boyfriend. But Emma was just too messed up at this point in her life to know which end was up.
Of course, this book had a bit of a cliff-hanger ending as well, but nothing like the first book. I really liked this book...just not quite as much as Reason to Breathe. Good to know there is still a 3rd book to wrap things up!
Content: Language. Some sexual situations but nothing graphic.
Rebecca Donovan left her readers with a major cliff-hanger at the end of Reason to Breathe. It was great to start Barely Breathing with the knowledge that Emma is alive and surviving. She's not 100% well. Who would be after her aunt tried to murder her? But she is coping in the only way she knows how.
Of course, Emma makes many bad decisions in Barely Breathing. From jumping in to living with her mother, to confiding in Jonathan, and pushing Evan kind of want to yell at her "What the heck is wrong with you?" Add into this Rachel's drinking and her drunken tirades and you have a recipe for disaster. Wen you look at all that Emma has been through in her young life, you realize she is probably going to make some really bad decisions before she figures her life out.
Because of that, this book was wonderful, but much harder to read than the first one. Poor Evan really got the short end of the stick in this book. He tried to hard to be the good, caring, and understanding boyfriend. But Emma was just too messed up at this point in her life to know which end was up.
Of course, this book had a bit of a cliff-hanger ending as well, but nothing like the first book. I really liked this book...just not quite as much as Reason to Breathe. Good to know there is still a 3rd book to wrap things up!
Content: Language. Some sexual situations but nothing graphic.
Emma’s struggle with an abusive home life came to a heart pounding conclusion in the final chapters of "Reason to Breathe". Now everyone in Weslyn knows Emma’s secret, but Carol can’t hurt Emma anymore. Some are still haunted by the horror of that night, and some must face the repercussions of their choices. Fans of Rebecca Donovan’s debut novel will discover there’s still much to learn about Emma’s life.
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