Teaser Tuesday: The Shepherd's Crown, Steel Maiden, Character Driven
Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature, hosted by Jenn at Books and a Beat.

"It's true that they are rough diamonds, but no better warriors can be found anywhere on the Disc."
"What's this? Did we stole any diamonds?"
"It's a manner of speaking, ye daftie."
"But we got no manners. We treasure the fact, ye ken."
"It's an idiom."
"Who're you calling an idiom?"
"What's this? Did we stole any diamonds?"
"It's a manner of speaking, ye daftie."
"But we got no manners. We treasure the fact, ye ken."
"It's an idiom."
"Who're you calling an idiom?"
~ The Shepherd's Crown by Terry Pratchett, page 234

"With my heart in my throat, I pulled open the doors and stifled a gasp as a veil of green fire enveloped me and licked every inch of my exposed skin."
~ Steel Maiden by Kim Richardson, KL 128

"Jillian had been assembled from a kt of parts labeled WHAT CLIFF LOVES. To describe her, to even hint at the color of her hair or the curve of her lip, would be to reveal too much of my soul. Instead, I'll let you craft your own Jillian. Think of the kit you've labeled WHAT I LOVE. Make her, or him, in that image, breathe life into her form, and place her here at the classroom entrance, inspired. take your time.
Got it? Great. Let's move on."
~ Character, Driven by David Lubar, page 16
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