What's Your Status? 8/27/11

Reading Lark's Review Status:
On Folly Beach by Karen White (Adult)
Cold Kiss by Amy Garvey (YA)
Centuries of June by Keith Donohue (Adult)
A Beautiful Dark by Jocelyn Davies (YA)
Veiled by S.B. Niccum (YA)
Reading Lark's Special Post Status:
August Emptying the Nest Giveaway - TODAY IS LAST DAY TO ENTER!
Author Interview with Augusta Blythe
The Return of In Other Words
Veiled Ebook Giveaway - Open Internationally
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* Finished This Week
* Currently Reading
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* Finished This Week
* Currently Reading
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* Finished This Week
* Currently Reading
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* Finished This Week
* Currently Reading
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* Finished This Week
* Currently Reading
* Next on TBR List
I cannot wait to start Shatter Me!!!