Book Review: Indelible

By: Dawn Metcalf
Published by: Harlequin Teen
Release date: July 30, 2013
Genre: YA fantasy
 384 pages
Source: ARC kindly provided by publisher via NetGalley

I have had this book on my ASAP list for months! I was thinking I would have to make it a library trip priority soon when the publisher came through with a Galley. I worked it into my reading calendar post-haste.

I would be remiss if I did not mention up front that the fantasy elements in this book are fan-freakin-tastic. Characters and places and actions are described in ways that take me back to some vintage YA fantasy, and I ate it up.  Who doesn't want to be the special human who is able to see things that are very real but invisible to most of humanity? If the Twixt really existed and I had a chance like Joy to actually spend my life there, I think I would be tempted.

The cast of characters is varied, yet easy to distinguish. The extremely beautiful characters juxtaposed to the horrific beasts in the book gave the story a lovely innocence. Only at the end, when the author is easing the reader back to reality, do we see that even these characters have some shades of gray. Perhaps they aren't so inhuman after all.

I am a huge fan of fiction that highlights likable characters. Joy's love interest, Ink, is a new favorite. His honest, giving nature is a joy to read in a male character. For more on Ink, see my Book Boyfriend post below.

I have Dawn Metcalf's Luminous waiting patiently on my bookshelf. It will soon see the light of day; I want more of her writing, and waiting for book two of The Twixt will be a struggle without something to tide me over.


Some things are permanent.


And they cannot be changed back.

Joy Malone learns this the night she sees a stranger with all-black eyes across a crowded room—right before the mystery boy tries to cut out her eye. Instead, the wound accidentally marks her as property of Indelible Ink, and this dangerous mistake thrusts Joy into an incomprehensible world—a world of monsters at the window, glowing girls on the doorstep, and a life that will never be the same.

Now, Joy must pretend to be Ink’s chosen one—his helper, his love, his something for the foreseeable future...and failure to be convincing means a painful death for them both. Swept into a world of monsters, illusion, immortal honor and revenge, Joy discovers that sometimes, there are no mistakes.

Somewhere between reality and myth lies…

