Book Review: Rite of Redemption

Rite of Redemption (Acceptance #3)
Published By: Sarah Negovetich
Publication Date: June 6, 2016
Buy it at Amazon or Barnes & Noble
Source: Kindly Provided by Author
Audience: Young Adult - Dystopian

Rite of Redemption was the spectacular ending to a fast-paced, dystopian series that I thoroughly enjoyed. In fact, I don't think I've ever enjoyed a complete dystopian series this much. 

 Rite of Redemption starts off exactly where Rite of Revelation ends. The village of Arbor Glen was destroyed by the Cardinal's attack. Several people were killed during the attack, and Allmore is dealing with the refugees. Rebecca wonders what will happen to everyone now. 

The Freeman villages continue to be attacked and Rebecca realizes that she has to do something. Liam convinces her to try and gather the support of the other villages to form an army to attack the Cardinal. But it isn't until they reach the village of Blue River that Rebecca, Eric and Ethan discover how deep the resistance to the Cardinal goes and who is involved. 

 Once again, Rebecca finds herself in many dangerous situations. I found that I forgot how young she and Daniel actually are! But I think they are certainly wise beyond their years. 

 The Cardinal really is an awful person, but we also see Rebecca's mother again and she is horrendous as well. We meet a few new people in this book who are great, but we lose a couple of characters too. I thought it was really interesting to see who was actually part of the resistance. It definitely gave Rebecca the courage she needed to do the difficult things necessary for the Cardinal to be destroyed. 

Sarah Negovetich writes an amazing story that quickly draws you in and keeps you invested in the characters' lives. I was rooting for Rebecca, Daniel, and Eric throughout the book. All three characters really came into themselves and discovered what their true path in life was. 

 I won't give away the ending of the book, but I was very happy with how things came to a close. It wasn't exactly what I expected, but it fit with the characters and I felt very satisfied when I finished the book. If you've read the first two books, you need to read the final book right away! If you haven't read the first two, then you can read all 3 at once. I highly recommend these for anyone who enjoys the YA dystopian genre. 

 Content: Mild language

Rebecca escaped the PIT, found a family among the Freeman...and watched too many loved ones die. All she wants is the Cardinal to leave her in peace, but he's made it clear that's never going to happen.

When the Cardinal attacks other Freeman villages, she finally understands that no one is safe from his wrath. As the only one who's stood up to the evil that is the Cardinal, it's up to her to convince the others that they can't hide forever. It's time to fight.

The Machine predicted Rebecca would become the Cardinal's enemy. It may have gotten that one right.


  1. Ohhh didn't know about this series. Sounds really interesting, will definitely check it out.

    Great review :)
    Aparajita @Le' Grande Codex


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