Book Review: Bigfoot (a Seek-and-Find Series)
By: D. L. Miller
Published By: Happy Fox Books
Publication Date: 2/13/2018
Page Count: 48
Page Count: 48
Source: ARC kindly provided by publisher
Children's Activity Books
This is a bit of an unusual review because I am reviewing an entire series based on advance sample pages from all four of the books. The first two books, Bigfoot Visits the Big Cities of the World and Bigfoot Goes on Vacation, are available now. The third and fourth books, Bigfoot Spotted at World Famous Landmarks and Bigfoot Goes Back in Time, will be published in the fall of 2018. Although the overriding theme of each book is different, the feel of the artwork and the type of content appears to be consistent throughout the series.
I am reviewing the Bigfoot seek-and-find books with the able help of my two youngest children, a six year-old boy and 8 year-old girl. J My kids love the thrill of seek-and-find books because they get to test out their powers of observation. Plus, they can often find things faster than I can, and beating your mom at a game is always a good time! Miller's illustrations, which use a combination of color images and black and white line drawings, provide a challenging environment in which to search for Bigfoot, his legendary footprint, and other people and objects.
What really makes this series stand out from other books of this type are the information pages interleaved between the seek-and-find pages. For example, after the "Bigfoot Spotted in Paris" spread, there are two pages that have child-friendly mini-articles about famous Parisian landmarks and historical events such as: the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and the launching of the first hot air balloon. What a fun and gentle way to introduce younger children to the wonders of travel, history, and other cultures.
My kids and I can't wait to get our hands on full copies of each of the books in this series!

Summary of Bigfoot Visits the Big Cities of the World:
Shy and reclusive, BigFoot spends most of his time in the deep dark woods, rarely spotted by humankind. But the bright lights of the big city beckon to everyone, even our mysterious furry friend! Sharpen your search and find skills by locating him at his favorite metropolis. It won't be easy. BigFoot is visiting ten major cosmopolitan destinations, from the Big Apple and London to Paris, Athens, Tokyo, Toronto, and more. This handsome hardcover book presents each urban oasis as an immense two-page visual puzzle, full of teeming people and creatures. Your task is not only to find BigFoot and his legendary footprint, but also more than 500 other unusual and sometimes unexpected personalities and objects. Fun facts and pictures accompany each scene to help you learn more about the world's most popular cities.

What really makes this series stand out from other books of this type are the information pages interleaved between the seek-and-find pages. For example, after the "Bigfoot Spotted in Paris" spread, there are two pages that have child-friendly mini-articles about famous Parisian landmarks and historical events such as: the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and the launching of the first hot air balloon. What a fun and gentle way to introduce younger children to the wonders of travel, history, and other cultures.

Summary of Bigfoot Visits the Big Cities of the World:
Shy and reclusive, BigFoot spends most of his time in the deep dark woods, rarely spotted by humankind. But the bright lights of the big city beckon to everyone, even our mysterious furry friend! Sharpen your search and find skills by locating him at his favorite metropolis. It won't be easy. BigFoot is visiting ten major cosmopolitan destinations, from the Big Apple and London to Paris, Athens, Tokyo, Toronto, and more. This handsome hardcover book presents each urban oasis as an immense two-page visual puzzle, full of teeming people and creatures. Your task is not only to find BigFoot and his legendary footprint, but also more than 500 other unusual and sometimes unexpected personalities and objects. Fun facts and pictures accompany each scene to help you learn more about the world's most popular cities.
I will be looking for this book! My son loves to watch documentaries about the search for Bigfoot.